Thursday, July 28, 2011

September 2002

Travel Stories 24/9/02

Well my sincerest apologies about the 4 month absence from updating this but I'll make it up to you with a story of adventure, action, romance and suspense. Well not really but I'll do my best. So I'm still here...Can't believe it myself but still here in Aviemore, Scotland my adopted home away from home and I must say I am still enjoying my time here. I am actually just now getting ready to leave to go back to Oz for 2months via London but will be back fingers crossed around Xmas/New Year or Hogmanny as they call it up here. I would love to be back to go to the hogmanny celebrations in Edinburgh but we'll see how I get on. Well I've been working and playing all uk summer allthough it hasn't been much of a summer weatherwise. My big news is that I've just returned from a week in Mallorca,Spain staying with some friends in a wee town called Port de Pollence. I had a great time and enjoyed the Spainish siesta lifestyle of sun,sand and swimming (I would say surf but there wasn't any) with my friends and hosts Lyndsey,Tania and Eilih? I've also been travelling about lately getting to Glasgow, Fort William, Nevis Range and Inverness now and again. I can also say that I've been swimming in the north sea twice. Once at a beautiful spot up the coast from Inverness called Findhorn and the other was on a camping trip to the north west tip of Scotland at Sandwood Bay. Sandwood bay was awesome the most amazing scenery imaginable with tremendous undulating hills mixed with crystal clear (cold) lochs and bays. A friend and I hiked in (1&1/2hours each way) and camped overnight, guitar, camp fire, waterfall shower and all in all had a great time. Very good Crack as they say over here. Photo's on website soon. The last two weeks I've also played Rugby for the local team. A good bunch of guys who like to drink more than play rugby but since we won 115-nil the other day I don't think anyone's complaining. I was in the local paper as "the exciting aussie out on the wing, from the land of aussie rules" however the name butterstone did me no favours. Fortunately I'm the only aussie in town stupid enough to put my body through a game of rugby so everyone knew who it was. Thats about it though newswise. Work has been ok not as good a crack as winter but still quite enjoyable to see how a ski resort can also become an all seasons resort. Well that just about covers the Adventure, Action parts. Romance well except to say that my heart still rings true for the red and blue (great season dees) I am still searching for my bonnie lassie but who's to say I haven't met her already?? And suspense well if that last lines not enough then lets just wait and see what will come of 2003....

Hope to see you all soon

Siesta Stue

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