
Some brainteasers I've come accross in my Travels. These are great fun but you may have to think alittle outside the square to coin a phrase. If you think you know the answer email me and I'll tell you if your close.

Easy one to start off!

1. A man, any oldman is pushing a car past a hotel. The man knows he's going to jail! How does he know?

A little bit harder now!

2. A man lives on the 18th floor of an apartment complex. Each morning he takes the lift down to the lobby on his way to work. But each evening he takes the lift to the 10th floor and walks the rest of the way up??? Why!!!

A lot harder. A bit of lateral thinking maybe required!

3. Police are stumped!. They've discovered a dead man hanging from the ceiling of his studio apartment. The apartment only has one door and a window and they were both locked and there are no signs of forced entry. The only clues are the man body hanging from the ceiling and some drops of water on the floor. How did he die and who killed him???